Chabot Concurrent Enrollment
Chabot College provides opportunities for high school students to enroll in college-level courses, both in-person and online. Students who desire to participate in concurrent enrollment must be recommended by their counselor and have parental permission per the steps/phases listed below.
Chabot Individual Concurrent Enrollment
Want to take a Chabot course in person or online that is not HHS-sponsored? Follow each phase below for "Individual Concurrent/Dual Enrollment."
Visit your HHS Counselor during their drop-in office hours (before school, nutrition, lunch, after school) to:
A. Discuss with your counselor which course(s) you might take. Here are some ideas:
- View Chabot HUSD Course Equivalencies to see which Chabot classes can also count for HUSD subject areas.
- View Chabot IGETC courses to see which classes can count for transferable credit to CSU/UC (start with the first link at top left)
- View list of recommended course list for high school students (see pages 4 & 5).
View Chabot Course Catalog to learn more about each course.
1 Chabot credit = 3.3 HUSD credits
3 Chabot credits = 10 HUSD credits (equivalent to year-long HUSD course)
5 Chabot credits = 16.5 HUSD credits
B. Search for classes here to see when (days/times) and how (in person vs. online) the courses you want are offered.
Note: Thursday classes are indicated with the letter "R". Also, if the time says "TBA," the course is asynchronous (no class time, you do the course on your own time).
If you don't have a specific course in mind, check out these Chabot Summer Academy courses just for high school students.
Complete the Chabot application.
"Create an Account" if you've never taken a Chabot class before. If you have, click "Sign In" and use your Chabot "W" number (it stays with you for life).
After applying, you will receive an email about 24-48 hours later with your Chabot "W" number (your Chabot student ID number) and your "Application Confirmation Number." Once you get both numbers via this email, proceed to Phase III. If you don't get this email within 3 days, email PIN is student’s 6-digit birthdate for the first time, then the system will prompt the student to change the PIN to a new 6-digit number.
Need help? Please visit the HHS College & Career Center in Room C-X.
Only if you're requesting English or Math.
Students wishing to take English or Math need to follow "guided self-placement" recommendations. Complete the Chabot ENGLISH Informed Course Selection AND the Chabot MATH Guided Self-Placement (you'll need your Chabot "W number" and PIN (6 digit birthdate). You do not need to achieve a certain score to take an English or Math course but it is required you complete these if you are requesting English or Math before you move on to Phase IV.
Complete the online Recommendation for Concurrent Enrollment Form.
Important! Put your counselor's name and email where it says, "Your School Principal / Designee Name and Email." Do not put our Principal's info there! When asked for your email, use your personal email.
Where the Concurrent Enrollment form asks for your "Chabot Student ID," put your Chabot "W" number. Get the "Application Confirmation Number" from the confirmation email you received from Phase II above. view example
Parent Approval: You will be asked to enter your parent's email. This is because, once you submit this form, your parent will automatically receive an email asking and showing them how to approve your enrollment as a minor. Be sure to tell them to look for this email and follow the approval steps!
Counselor Approval: Once your parent submits their approval, your counselor will automatically get an email asking for their approval and for them to upload your transcript.
Choose your class(es) if there's space:
A. Chabot will let you know when you can request your specific class(es) then email you when you will be allowed to log in to My Portal with your W# and your pin (your 6 digit birthdate for the first time- then the system will prompt you to change your pin to a new 6 digit number).
B. Under “Student Services”, click on “Add/Drop” classes and “Search for classes”
C. Look up the course(s) you were approved to take and click on the box next to the time/days you want.
D. Select “Submit changes”
E. Check with your instructor as to the deadline to drop the course without it being on your transcript should you later choose the class is not right for you.
Note: While tuition is waived for high school students, there is a mandatory fee of $18 (summer) or $21 (Fall) health services fee that must be paid later. Chabot will tell you when and how you can make this payment within your My Portal account at a later point. You will be able to pay online with a credit card or mail a check.
HHS students can take a Chabot class each semester on the HHS campus!
Click here to view Bridge to College classes taught at HHS and online after school!
Related Links
Chabot Concurrent Enrollment Program
Chabot Articulated Courses at HHS
Chabot Toolkit for High Schools
Chabot Transcript Requests
Chabot Transcript request
Chabot Transcript to HUSD Transcript Consent Form
HHS / Chabot Course Equivalency Chart
Transferable Chabot Courses (IGETC)
California Community Colleges (all 116 of them!)
Chabot S.O.A.R. Program for Seniors
Chabot Admissions
May 20 is the last day Seniors must have completed a "make-up" class for graduation, including Cyber High, BYU Independent Studies or Chabot courses.
Students who take community college courses have the option to add those courses to their HUSD transcript. Procedures vary for the 3 types of Chabot courses:
1) Articulated Courses (e.g. Entrepreneurship, Sports Medicine).
For students who earn an A or B grade, HHS counselors will provide the student with a copy of this transcript and a Chabot Transcript to HUSD Transcript form to complete if they'd like this grade to be put on their HUSD transcript.
2) Chabot Classes @ HHS after school (Middle College/Bridge to College):
For students who earn any grade in this course, HHS counselors will provide the student with a copy of this transcript and a Chabot Transcript to HUSD Transcript form to complete if they'd like this grade to be put on their HUSD transcript.
3) Chabot Classes @ Chabot: Students will have to request an OFFICIAL transcript from Chabot and provide this to the HHS Registrar if they'd like this class to be entered on their HHS transcript.
Who to Contact
HHS Counselors
HHS College & Career Center
Room C-X (for application help)
Paul Gonsalves
HHS Chabot Concurrent Enrollment Liaison
Yaribeth Marquez
HHS YEP Coordinator for Bridge to College
Room F-8
(510) 723-3170 Ext. 61261
(510) 935-1107 (Cell)
Michael Lai
Concurrent Enrollment Specialist
25555 Hesperian Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94545
(510) 723-6779
How much does it cost?
High school students are not charged the units cost for Chabot courses. However, high school students must pay the mandatory $3 mailing fee and $14 health fee ($17 total) plus any required books and/or materials.
Undocumented/AB540 students are not eligible for free tuition since they have not yet graduated high school (a pre-requisite of AB540) but they may apply for Reclassification from NonResident Tuition Status Form so they don't have to pay for the concurrent enrollment class.
116 California Community Colleges
Did you know that, as a California resident, you can take free courses at ANY of the 116 California Community Colleges? Besides Chabot, you also have Laney College (Oakland), Ohlone College (Fremont), Las Positas (Livermore) as nearby options. However, with many online courses available at all community colleges, you can take an online course at any community college in California.