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Puente Group



What is Puente?
The Puente Program is an academic preparation program sponsored by the University of California that for more than 40 years has improved the college-going rate of California's educationally disadvantaged students. Puente's mission is to increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students who

1) enroll in four-year colleges and universities
2) earn college degrees
3) return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations. 

For more information, please visit the Puente Project

Please visit our Puente video to learn more about Puente!!!

Beginning in 9th grade, Hayward high Puente students enroll in a special two-hour English class where students learn about different cultures through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. This extended learning time allows students to develop their own cultural identities while gaining valuable skills through rich learning tasks. Puente students continue their cultural studies through the end of their Junior year. 

Learn More about Puente!!


Puente eligibility:

  • GPA 2.0-4.0
  • In English 9 placement or above 
  • Determined to go to college
  • Interested in Latino literature and culture

Puente Students Visit 30 Universities in 4 Years! 


Secondary Video
Apply Now

Puente Statewide Academic and Leadership Award (2022) -              Miguel Coronado


Puente Statewide Academic and Leadership Award (2021) -              Lorena Espinoza-Valdez

Lorena Espinoza-Valdez

Current Students

Puente Calendar

Community Service Packet

Meet Our Puente Team

Diego Gaviño
Puente Counselor
(510) 723-3170 Ext. 61121


Israel Hernandez
Puente Teacher, 9th & 11th
(510) 723-3170 Ext. 61223

Puente Teacher, 10th & 12th
(510) 723-3170 Ext. 61232

Lorena Maldonado
Puente Administrator
(510) 723-3170 Ext. 61104

Puente Logo


Puente Members


So Cal College Tour



Nor Cal College Tour