School-Hours Programs
- Advanced Placement (AP) College-level courses with an end-of-course exam for potential early college credit
- AVID College-readiness program that prepares students with college skills, guidance, and support
- Biomedical Sciences a four-year sequence of Science courses for students interested in biomedical careers
- Career Pathways view Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways available to HHS students
- Comprehensive Counseling Plan Four-year counseling plan and services for all HHS students to cultivate college and career plans
- Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP) college-preparatory advising and academic enrichment opportunities for underrepresented students
- Engineering is a four-year sequence of Engineering courses for students interested in engineering careers
- English Language Learners (ELL) Support classes and services for students who speak another language and are working towards English proficiency
- Farmers Clinic (Tiburcio Vasquez Health Center and Health Clinic) on-campus health services
- Future Farmer Day Orientation in early November for 8th Graders preparing for HHS
- Hayward Promise Neighborhood (HPN) free resources and programs are funded by a five-year federally funded grant awarded to the Jackson Triangle community of Hayward, including Drop Out Prevention Services.
- LINK Crew The Let's Include New Kids program supports Freshmen with peer mentoring by Juniors and Seniors
- Music Program Concert, Pep, and Marching bands, plus Orchestra, Jazz Band, Guitar and Piano
- Puente Rigorous college-readiness program that emphasizes college-level English skills via Latino literature and culture
- Restorative Justice Provides conflict resolution and relationship building
- TRIO Educational Talent Search (ETS) college-preparatory advising is designed to motivate and support low-income, first-generation students to graduate from high school and continue on to a post-secondary school
- Ubuntu is an academic, socio-personal, and postsecondary program using the “village method” to cultivate the minds of African American learners
After-School Programs
- Athletics All athletics including teams, schedules, and more
- Cyber High Credit Recovery After-school class for Seniors (+Juniors, if space) to make up classes and credits
- Youth Enrichment Program (YEP) After-school program that provides academic courses (Cyber HIgh, Chabot), academic assistance (tutoring in Libray, Penda Learning), and various enrichment activities
Off-Campus Programs
- Alternative Education Adult School, Brenkwitz, Home Studies and Independent Studies
- ROP Regional Occupation Program (ROP) offers career and technical courses during the school day at the ROP Center.
Summer Programs
- Summer Credit Recovery & Math Acceleration Summer programs at HHS College & Career Center
- Summer Opportunities in Hayward
List maintained by Hayward Promise Neighborhoods (HPN)
- Summer Search Sponsors outdoor and international summer experiences for students, provides weekly mentoring and college guidance