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Chromebooks & 
Technology Support for Students

New students: When enrolled as a new student, the district automatically gets your name and will send your Chromebook to HHS which will be delivered to you by Mr. Guzman within a few days of your enrollment.  

For any Chromebook issues, replacements, questions, or requests please visit the computer lab in the STEAM building RM S-201 anytime after period 2 for Tech Support, login issues, chargers, wifi issues, account setup, etc.   Please do not come during period 1 or 2. 

Staff may also request a chromebook or charger replacement on behalf of a student via the HUSD Help Desk here.

Times:  Every day after Period 2 until the end of school.  Not open during period 1 and 2.

Location: S-201 (STEM Building Computer Lab, second floor)

Related Links

Clever Log In

Email Log In
Email Help for Students

Google Workspace for Education Log In for Students & Staff

HHS Technology Directory

HUSD Technology Page

Resources for Staff

Social Media

Tech Glossary

Infinite Campus Staff Log In

How to use Infinite Campus


Parent Student Portal


Google Log In for Students & Staff

Google Workspace for Education


Students Love Technology

Technology for All

Google Workspace Apps is a Google Workspace for Education District with HUSD Google Accounts (unlimited storage).  Google apps include:

Gmail Google Maps
Google Calendar Google Search
Google Classroom Google Sheets (spreadsheets)
Google Docs (like Word, Excel, Powerpoint) Google Sites (websites)
Google Drawings Google Slides (like Powerpoint)
Google Drive (cloud storage) Google Translate
Google Forms Youtube
...and more
  • Citation Machine Plagiarism Checker - enables students to proactively spot errors and learn from their own writing and helps them become engaged, ethical researchers and writers

  • Cloud Convert - convert anything into anything (ex: Convert word doc to pdf, pdf to doc, )

  • Copy Google Drive Folder - makes a copy of the entire folder and retains folder and subfolders structure

  • Gmail Offline - read and compose emails without an internet connection

  • Kaizena - leave voice comments on Google Docs for feedback

  • LucidPress - create professional newsletters, publications digitally

  • Padlet - Virtual bulletin board to curate media

  • PicMonkey - complete photo editor with collages, filters, effects, frames, and more

  • Presentation Remote (deMobo App and Extension) - Control any presentation with your mobile

  • WeVideo - Create video projects and collaborate with others right within Google Drive

Google Add Ons:
Free enhancements that add functionality to Google Docs (e.g. Docs, Forms, Sheets, Presentations).  Install "Add Ons" within your Google doc under the "Add On" drop-down menu.  Here are some HHS favorites:

  • Choice Eliminator: When someone chooses an option on a Google form, that option is automatically eliminated for others filling out the same form.  Great to schedule anything with "time slots" or available spaces/groups.
  • Doc to Form: take a doc and create a form with ease 
  • Form to Doc: take responses from a Google Form's sheet of responses and create individual, mail merged docs for each person/group
  • Flubaroo: using Google Forms as an "electronic scantron," auto-grade students' tests or assignments, plus choose whether or not to email them their scores and, if you choose, the correct answers.  Simply amazing.
  • Highlight Tool:  Use "Highlight Tool" for additional highlighting needs in Google Documents. Create and edit customized highlighters that automatically save. Use these highlighters to highlight selected text. Export the highlighted text to a separate document by sequence or by color.
  • Easy Bib Creator: this allows you to easily create a bibliography for your research paper. Automatically cite books, journal articles, and websites just by entering the titles or URLs. Format citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, and over 7K other styles.

Google Extensions:
Free modifications and enhancements to the Google Chrome web browser that add functionality and efficiency.  View all Google Chrome Extensions.  Here are some HHS favorites:

Polls Everywhere: A free student polling service using mobile phones. Responses are displayed live in PowerPoint, Keynote, or the web. A great check for understanding tool.

Prezi: Prezi is a free, cloud-based presentation software and storytelling tool for exploring and sharing ideas upon a virtual canvas.  A much more visually-appealing alternative to Powerpoint presentations that is also web-based


Departments: Department specific technology for Career TechnologyEnglishFamily & Consumer SciencesHealthIndustrial TechnologyMathematicsNon-DepartmentalPhysical EducationScienceSocial ScienceSpecial Education, Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA) and World Language.

HHS Library Catalog (Destiny): HUSD library database of books and other resources available to students and staff

Khan Academy:  Free website that supplies a online collection of more than 3,000 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history, healthcare and medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, microeconomics and computer science.

WikipediaA free, web-based, collaborative, multilingual encyclopedia that is written and edited by the public, favoring consensus over credentials in its editorial processes.


Edmodo: Provides teachers and students a secure place to connect and collaborate, share content educational applications, and access homework, grades, class discussions and notifications. Their goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner.


BrainPopAnimated education lectures, activities and quizzes for all subjects

Spicynodes: A website devoted to creating interactive graphic organizers and thought charts.

WordleA word cloud generator for student engagement. Non-copyrighted literature, poetry, and prose resource

EasyBib: Free automatic bibliography and citation maker

Perdue OWL (online writing lab): A website devoted to assisting student writing and a useful resource for help regarding MLA format


Who to Contact

HHS Technology Directory

Juan Carlos "JC" Guzman
Computer Lab Tech
Student Tech Support
STEAM Building
Room S-201 (second floor computer lab)

Paul Gonsalves
HHS Website

Alisa Hillberg (Parsons)
Teacher Technology Liaison (TTL()

Email Help for Students

HUSD Help Desk: Submit a Ticket



Parent Portal: secure on-line access to Infinite Campus student records, including attendance, grades, teacher remarks, assignments and much more.

Free Computers & Low-Cost Internet: East Bay residents who are eligible for Free & Reduced Lunch may receive free computers and low-cost internet 


* = staff Google sign in required

Blooklet:  classroom game similar to Kahoot

Brain Pop: BrainPOP engages students through animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more. 

Google Suite for Education: Google Drive, Docs, Slides (Presentations), Spreadsheets, Forms and Drawing.  

HUSD Google Apps Sign In   Just type in your username (without and HUSD password (the same one you use to log in to your computer in the morning) to access your HUSD Google Apps (Gmail, Calendar, Google Docs & Drive, etc.)

HUSD Password Reset: For staff, reset or recover your password for your HUSD Google Apps account (Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Drive and more) all in one.  Forgot your password?  Recover it here.

Kahoot: create your own multiple choice quiz that students can take on their smart phone 

Menti: survey alternative to Google Forms that allows question-by-question survey with real-time results viewing

Nearpods: Engaging media and formative assessments to make every lesson interactive.

Padlet:  Virtual wall that allows for group collaboration

Pear Deck: Send you Google Slides presentation to individual student chromebooks so students can follow along, click on links and further engage

Plagiarisma: Free online plagiarism checker

PollEverywhere: create a free poll or other questions and have your students vote with their cell phones, see the results instantly

Projectors & Laptops: Making projector and laptops work together

Random Student Selector, Scoreboard, Timer and more    free, on-line tool that randomly picks names of your students and more

Staff Webpage Set Up:  How to create and manage staff webpages.  Watch 5-minute videos that will show you how.

Tech Support for Staff:  Submit a help request at Other tech resources can be found on the HUSD EIT webpage and on the HUSD Google Apps How To Webpage.

Tech Tips: View the entire list of  2-5 minute  tutorials to help staff better utilize HUSD "tech tools" such as Google Apps, School Loop, Infinite Campus, and more.