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Personal Social Emotional Counseling

Students undergo many personal and academic stressors everyday.  Hayward High wants to help!  HHS Counselors and HHS Administrators are readily available to assist students with any personal challenges and to make referrals to counseling resources on and off campus.

COST Request Form (English)
COST Request Form (Spanish)

HHS Counseling Resources

People Helping People


Shannan Carpenter
Community Schools Specialist
Room A-2
Ext. 61257

Miroslaba "Lili" Velo-Egonmwan
Youth Intervention Specialist
Room A-3

Virgil Hart
Social-Emotional Counselor
Library (enter from back side)

HHS Counselors

HHS Administrators

Looking for free or reduced Health Care?

You can now schedule your own appointments for assistance of a new or renewal application for: MediCal, Calfresh, HealthPAC, Kaiser Kids, and Calworks. You can schedule an appointment today. 

Ahora puede programar sus propias citas para la ayuda de una nueva o renovación de aplicación para: MediCal , Calfresh , HealthPAC , Kaiser Niños y Calworks . Por favor, haga clic aqui para hacer una cita hoy. 

Depression / Suicide Hotline

For confidential text support, text the keyword "Safe" to 741741 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or

call the 24-hour support National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1 800 273 TALK (8255).

My3 App for Android and Apple lets you stay connected if you are having thoughts of suicide.

Google Play


Apple App Store