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College & Career Center (Room CX)

The Hayward High School College and Career Center offers a variety of resources for career and college planning. The center is located in CX. It is open to parents, teachers, students and it is a place where students can find information regarding how to apply to two and four-year institutions, career possibilities and other educational programs.   Students can also obtain information regarding testing and test preparation, obtaining a work permit, financial aid, and scholarships.  In addition to scheduled appointments, students are welcome to come to the center during lunch, nutrition or after school to utilize the resources, talk to staff, get advice, study or eat lunch.    

Hours:  Monday - Friday  8:30-4:30 P

College & Career Center Calendar

Services offered in the Career and College Center:


  • Catalogs and General Information
  • Application Assistance
  • Exploration of options (2 year, 4 year, career, vocational)
  • Financial Aid Assistance (scholarships, FAFSA, grants, loans)


  • Work Permits
  • Assessment tests (figure out what you might want to do)
  • Exploration and options
  • Job search and application assistance
  • Skills (resume, cover letter, interviewing, job search, etc)


  • Vocational class enrollment
  • General information


What are you doing after high school?  Start preparing now!

4-year college

  1. Continue extracurricular activities.
  2. Take the ACT and/or SAT by December. See the Testing for College page for dates and deadlines.
  3. Work on Personal Insight Questions (for UC / private schools).
  4. Apply online.  CSU and UC deadline is November 30th (plan to submit by before Thanksgiving break!)  Private school deadlines vary.
  5. Start applying to  scholarships.
  6. Be sure to complete all A-G courses with C or better and meet all graduation requirements!

2-year college:

  1. Continue extracurricular activities.
  2. Explore community colleges in the area.
  3. Start applying to scholarships.
  4. Study for Math/English placement test.
  5. Apply to community college of choice (2nd semester).


  1. Continue extracurricular activities.
  2. Explore career options.
  3. Participate in a job shadow or internship.
  4. Gain experience with part-time job or internship.


future ahead


Oscar Vazquez
College & Career Advisor
Room T-2
Ext. 61262

Mr. Adam Pitre
CTE Pathways Advisor
Room T-2

Ext. 61262

Room T-2
Ext. 61262

Ms. Camacho
College & Career Tech A-G
Room T-2
Ext. 61262

Financial Aid Advisors
Room T-2
Ext. 61262
 Jazmin Duenas -

Linyi "Nikki" Yu

Program Coordinator 

East Bay Consortium

College Corner

Need info on college admissions timeline, types of colleges, financial aid, and important dates/deadlines/websites?  Check out the info posted here.

College applications: CSU and UC applications are due November 30.  Private school applications are due between December and March, check with the individual schools for deadlines.  

College acceptance letters: Schools send out acceptance letters December through March.  Be sure to submit your Statement of Intent to Register by May 1st of senior year.

College Representative Visits: Attend presentations by various colleges. Representatives visit HHS to provide information on programs, admission requirements, campus life, athletics, and more!  Stay tuned for upcoming visits.

College Preview Days: Visit schools on Preview Days to learn more about them and to see if they are a good fit for you!  Most schools have preview days in the Fall for seniors and in the Spring for juniors and sophomores.  You can also schedule tours outside of preview days and as a senior you can schedule an overnight visit to schools you applied to!