The California State University (CSU) system includes 23 campuses for undergraduate and graduate education.
Application period: October 1 - December 2 (Senior year)
Website: To launch the CSU App, HHS Seniors use their www.CaliforniaColleges.edu account and "Sign In With Google" using their school email. Go to "College/Launch from CaliforniaColleges.edu" and click "California State University Application." After launching the app this way, students returning to their CSU app can go directly to CSUApply login to continue working on their app.
Application fee: $70 per campus (fee waivers available for 4 campuses)
Tuition and campus fees per year: Approximately $8,000
Eligibility: A-G completion and 2.5+ GPA (or 2.0+ with special circumstances such as high school free and reduced lunch, first generation, low income, foster youth, extracurricular activities, work experience, volunteer experience, leadership roles)
SAT/ACT: CSU is no longer considering SAT or ACT exams scores in the admissions process.
HHS students receive preferential admissions at our two local CSU campuses ,CSU East Bay and SF State. HHS Seniors who meet A-G entrance requirements and a minimum A-G GPA of 2.3 (2.0-2.3 with special circumstances such as first generation/low income) can expect acceptance at both CSUEB and SF State.
Related Links
Advanced Placement (AP), Honors (H) and Accelerated
CSU / UC Eligibility Comparison Chart
CSU App Step-by Step Guide (HUSD)
EOP (Educational Opportunity Program)
CSU App Fee Waivers
Students who believe their family is very low income can be eligible for CSU App fee waivers in which case 4 CSU applications will be free.
If a student believes they should get a fee waiver but were denied, s/he can petition to have it reviewed by emailing each campus admissions. For CSUEB, email
Admissionpetitions@csueastbay.edu. All other CSU campus emails can be found here.
Here's a sample email to send.
Who to Contact
Related Resources
Need Help with Your CSU Application?
Come to the College & Career Center Monday - Thursday during lunch and after school in Room C-X.
Impacted vs Non-Impacted Campuses
What is Impaction?
CSU campuses or majors are impacted when the number of applications received exceeds the number of available spaces. Impacted campuses or majors use supplementary criteria to admit students.
18 campuses are NOT impacted:
including Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominguez Hills, East Bay, Maritime, Stanislaus, *San Francisco State
5 campuses are very impacted:
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Fullerton, Long Beach, San Diego State, San Jose State